U.S – Printex Transparent Packaging (PTP), the largest clear folding box manufacturer in North America, has earned the Safe Quality Food Institute (SQFI) Manufacture of Food Packaging certification, recognized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
The SQF certification builds on PTP’s existing food safety credential i.e., Good Manufacturing Process (GMP) certification.
The Safe Quality Food Institute (SQFI) is responsible for developing and managing the Safe Quality Food (SQF) program. The SQF program is recognized by retailers and food service providers around the world as a rigorous, credible food safety management system.
It is the only certification system recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) that offers certificates for primary production, food manufacturing, distribution, and agent/broker management.
Once a company implements the SQF food safety management program, it is audited regularly by a third-party certification body.
The food safety certification requirements of SQF provide a meticulous process to manage food safety risks and provide safe products for use by companies in the food industry.
Printex Transparent Packaging is committed to rigorous continuous improvement. According to the company, having a supplier that produces products to meet food safety standards recognized in the industry is important in today’s packaging world.
Retailers, brand owners and food service providers need assurance that the food packaging materials they buy have been produced under the guidance of a food safety management program.
Using an SQF certified supplier like Printex Transparent Packaging, who also sources and manufactures domestically, gives the customer the assurance that their very highest standards are being met.
The SQF program is recognized by retailers, brand owners and food service providers as one of the most rigorous and comprehensive food safety and quality standards in the world.
“Our SQF certification helps our customers prepare for new regulations. Countries across the globe are making changes to food safety regulations, including the United States and its Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).
The newest version, Edition 9, prepares your organization to meet many or most of the FSMA requirements,” says Dave Heller, Vice President at the Printex Transparent Packaging Islandia, New York plant.
SQF standards require establishment of a detailed, comprehensive food safety program through every step of the supply chain.
Being SQF certified lets your customers know that you have gone the extra mile to help them lower their risk and exposure. Brand owners can be confident that their products are in the absolute safest packaging.
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