KENYA – Kenyan quarantine experts have expressed satisfaction on the standards of quarantine facilities in Pakistan following a visit to evaluate the possibility of importing of Pakistani kinnow (tangerine) and mango into the country.
During Pakistan-Africa trade conference in January 2020, a delegation of Pakistan Fruits and Vegetable Exporters Association (PFVA) had meetings with Kenyan importers and officials of the quarantine department.
According to Waheed Ahmed, the Patron-in-Chief of the association, they mutually agreed to explore the opportunities of export of Pakistani Kinnow to Kenya and agreed to finalize the quarantine protocols between the two countries.
With commencement of export of kinnow during the current season it’s anticipated that Kenya can become a promising international market of 40,000 – 50,000 tons of Pakistani Kinnow.
Transforming this mutual understanding into a trade opportunity, Pakistani Embassy in Kenya and department of Plant Protection, played a vital role. Therefore, a four-member quarantine experts delegation from Kenya visited Pakistan from 02-08 January, 2022 to inspect and accredit Hot water/vapour heat treatment plants and cold sterilization facilities.
The Kenyan delegation consisted of Prof. Theophilus Mutui Managing Director KEPHIS and Head of the Delegation, Dr. Isaac Macharia General Manager Phyto-sanitary Services, George Momanyi Chief Inspector and PRA Expert and Asenath Koech.
The delegates visited kinnow orchards and inspected 33 plants and pack houses in Karachi, Multan and Bhalwal.
The visit of Kenyan delegation was highly successful and the Kenyan experts expressed their satisfaction on the high standard of kinnow processing plants and strict compliance on implementation of quarantine procedures.
The vital role played by Sohail Shehzad, Technical Director, DPP, leading to this successful visit will have a far-reaching positive impact on Pakistani exports, as stated by the Business Recorder.
The PFVA has absorbed the complete expenses of this visit in a desperate desire to further enhance exports. According to Waheed Ahmed, after the successful visit of the quarantine delegation, it is strongly anticipated that export of Pakistani kinnow would commence to Kenya during the current season.
He anticipates that Kenya will become a gateway for Pakistani exports in Eastern Africa and simultaneously with export of kinnow, the Kenyan market will prove to be a good market for Pakistani mango as well.
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