KENYA – The Kenya Bureau of Standards Certification Body (KEBS CB) is in the process of rolling out an automated system to manage the certification process.
The system which is expected to enhance efficiency of the certification process from application to certification, will encompass key features like e-application, e-quotations, e-planning of audits, e-certificates and collaboration platform.
The Bureau has requested clients to take part in this pilot phase by processing new (initial certification) and renewal(recertification) of certification requests using the automated system.
The system is projected to go live by 30/09/2022 and is now on the trial phase to ascertain its suitability for purpose.
The new platform will create a database that will enable easy access to information to inform decision making.
At the beginning of the year, the Rwanda Standards Board (RSB) launched a Single Window Information for Trade (SWIFT), a US$ 125,000 project financed by USAID Rwanda through TradeMark East Africa (TMEA), effectively automating all its services.
The automation is expected to drastically reduce the time and cost of seeking various services from the board by the business community and other clients due to shift from the manual system that required many physical visits to the Board.
Among the new and enhanced services now available online are applications for System Certification, Training, Made in Rwanda Logo, Calibration of Instruments, Sample Testing, Lab Designation, Various Licenses and Authorization to Break Seal.
Other services now available online are Verification of Certificates issued by RSB, Purchase of Rwanda Standards and Integration to the EAC Bureaus of Standards Information Sharing Platforms.
In 2021 the Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) also joined its East African counterparts to launch the “Integrated Standards, Quality Assurance, Metrology and Testing” (iSQMT) system, through the aid of TradeMark East Africa.
Through iSQMT, TBS automated standards development, product certification, system certification, import inspection, metrology and testing.
iSQMT has been integrated to the eGovernment payment gateway platforms which guarantees fully automated processes from application, payment and acquisition of the final product (certificate/permit).
The Bureau launched the second phase of the project in April this year aimed at accrediting testing laboratories.
In 2018, the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) also automated a number of its services to improve efficiency and turnaround time for better service delivery.
Some of the automated services launched include Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), which provides faster clearance and tacking of samples being tested at UNBS laboratories; Certification Information Management Systems (CIMS) that allows companies to apply for certification and track their applications up to issuing of e-certificates, the Webstore, which allows for online buying and selling of standards.
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